Welcome to the SM@LHC Conference Website

The meeting aims to bring together both experimentalists and theorists to discuss Standard Model phenomenology and the very latest results from the LHC experiments. Topics covered are split into the following categories:

  • QCD (hard, soft & PDFs)
  • Electroweak physics
  • Higgs boson physics
  • Top quark and flavour physics

This year the conference will take place at the Center for Environmental, Energy and Technology Research (CIEMAT) in Madrid (Spain), from 8th until 11th of April.

Previous workshops of the SM@LHC series took place in Freiburg (2013), Copenhagen (2012), Durham (2011) and London (2009).


Organising Committee

Juan Alcaraz Maestre
(CIEMAT - Madrid)

Jeppe Andersen
(Univ. of Durham)

Mario Campanelli
(Univ. College London)

Vitaliano Ciulli
(INFN - Florence)

Stefan Dittmaier
(Univ. of Freiburg)

Karl Jakobs
(Univ. of Freiburg)

Isabel Josa Mutuberría
(CIEMAT - Madrid)

Frank Krauss
(Univ. of Durham)

Eric Laenen
(NIKHEF - Amsterdam)

Olivier Schneider
(EPFL - Lausanne)

CIEMAT Organisers

Begoña de la Cruz Martínez
Óscar González López
Mara Senghi Soares
Jesús Puerta Pelayo