Fast 2 point correlation functions using GPUs







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Fast 2 point correlation functions using GPUs


GP2PCF: a code for brute-force computation of 2 point angular correlation functions

GP2SSCF: a code for brute-force computation of shear-shear correlation functions


Recent Updates

December, 2012 GP2SSCF: The first shear-shear correlation function public version (V 0.2)

a code for brute-force computation of shear-shear correlation functios

October, 2012 Version 0.4 of GP2PCF code
Include improvements such as registers utilization into the kernel implementation
February, 2012 GP2PCF: The first 2 point angular correlation function public version (V 0.2)
a code for brute-force computation of 2 point angular correlation and cross-correlation functions

About us

We are a small scientist group with interests in cosmology and computation. Now we are involved in projects like DES (Dark Energy Survey) and PAU (Phisycs of the Accelerating Universe) in phisycs and Venus-C (Virtual multidisciplinary EnvironMents USing Cloud infrastructures) in computation.

GP2PCF Code Authors

GP2SSCF Code Authors
  1. Miguel Cardenas-Montes
  2. Rafael Ponce
  3. Ignacio Sevilla
  1. Miguel Cardenas-Montes
  2. Ignacio Sevilla
  3. Rafael Ponce
  4. Christopher Bonnett

Following the terms of the license below, you need to acknowledge the use of this code. Do so by referencing the following article:


  1. R.Ponce, M.Cardenas-Montes, J.J.Rodriguez-Vazquez, E.Sanchez, I.Sevilla
    Application of GPUs for the Calculation of Two-Point Correlation Functions in Cosmology
    Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Conference Series Volumen 461, P. 73-76, 2012. Paper
  2. M.Cardenas-Montes, J.J.Rodriguez-Vazquez, R.Ponce, I.Sevilla, N.Colino, M.A.Vega-Rodriguez
    New Computational Developments in Cosmology
    6th IBERIAN Grid Infrastruture Conference Proceedings, IBERGRID, P. 101-112, 2012. Paper
  3. M.Cardenas-Montes, M.A.Vega-Rodriguez, I.Sevilla, R.Ponce, J.J.Rodriguez-Vazquez, E.Sanchez
    Concurrent CPU-GPU Code Optimization: The Two-Point Angular Correlation Function as Case Study
    CAEPIA 2013, LNAI 8109, pp. 209-218, 2013 .
  4. M.Cardenas-Montes, M.A.Vega-Rodriguez, J.Westerholm, R.Ponce, E.Yurtesen, I.Sevilla, E.Sanchez, J.J.Rodriguez-Vazquez, M.Aspnas, V.Timonen, N.Colino, A.Gomez-Iglesias
    Calculation of Two-Point Angular Correlation Function: Implementations on Many-Cores and Multicores Processors.
    Ibergrid, Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, 203-214, 2013.


  1. M.Cardenas-Montes, M.A.Vega-Rodriguez, C.Bonnett, I.Sevilla, R.Ponce, E.Sanchez, J.J.Rodriguez-Vazquez
    GPU-Based Shear-Shear Correlation Calculation
    Computer Physics Communications, 1-8, ISSN: 0010-4655. Paper




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